Friday, December 27, 2019

Use of Literary Devices in Slaughterhouse-Five - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2225 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Slaughterhouse Five Essay Did you like this example? An educator on the topic of multi-dimensions states that, If we think of ourselves as we were one minute ago, and imagine ourselves as we are at this moment, [that] would be a line in the fourth dimension. If you were to see your body in the fourth dimension, youd be like a long undulating snake ( ? ?). In the fourth dimension, all of ones lifespan is viewed, so a normal human would appear snake-like with baby feet on one end, and aged feet on the other. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Use of Literary Devices in Slaughterhouse-Five" essay for you Create order All suffering, joy, and loss happens at the exact same time only in different sections of the snake. If the notion of a four dimensional reality is true, then that would mean that every single human effort to create a destiny or a better life does not exist because a fate is already planned without control of the individual. Everything that will be and everything that already happened exists at the same time, fixed in a particular moment in ones lifespan. Not only that, but if one part of the snake is in trouble physically, and another moment is content, then that would mean ill-fortune is still ever-present. The book Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut uses imagery, parallelism, and similes to show that since war is never-ending and unavoidable, it is hopeless for an individual to escape its after effects ensuring that not one person nor a world will ever be free from it. First of all, the use of imagery reflects how unfeasible it is to avoid obstacles as represented by the main characters attempts to try and do so. After another one of Billys time travel escapades, he struggles out of a stationed military hospital in order to find the latrines outside. He delivered himself to a barbed-wire fence which snagged him in a dozen places. Billy tried to back away from it, but the barbs wouldnt let go. So Billy did a silly little dance with the fence, taking a step this way, then that way, then returning to the beginning again (Vonnegut 123). The barbed wire fence represents an obstacle in Billys life, and in this case, any attempt to find a way around it is fruitless unless he goes back to the root or place before he got stuck. It is more impactful to the reader if they can visualize a scenario in which a problem cannot be solved unless one returns to a time before it happened. In order to avoid war, one must have never started it, which is impossible consi dering that the world has seen it before (Moody 75). In other words, the obstacles in both scenarios are unpreventable to overcome unless a person goes back to before the catastrophe took place so that the obstacle would have never existed. Yet this absurd notion cannot be obtained because, as shown by Vonneguts example of the fence, war entraps and ensnares the defenseless, making it so that war is all the world truly knows. More over, using imagery shows how war can continue even after the fighting is over due to the morbid descriptions that haunt the main character. As Billy is being hospitalized, he looks upon and vividly captures the essence of the dreary table next to him. There was a still life on Billys bedside tabletwo pills, an ashtray with three lipstick-stained cigarettes in it, one cigarette was still burning and a glass of water. The water was dead. So it goes. Air was trying to get out of that dead water. Bubbles were clinging to the walls of the glass, too weak to climb out (Vonnegut 101). The bubbles struggling to get out of the water reflect Billys own disposition and experience he had witnessed in the war. This disturbed and morbid representation of imagery is necessary to show how Billy views the war to entrap innocent lives who are too weak to do anything to prevent their demise. In post-war life his ordeal continues, his wartime traumas return to haunt him and he is tested further (H inchcliffe 189). Even in the peaceful life that comes after the war, any effort to fully live in harmony is demolished by the left over trauma that manipulates and distorts every day life. As mentioned, how Billy regards the bedside table scene is more troubling than how an average person might have viewed it. He is constantly seeing loss and battles in life whenever he looks at ordinary objects because the ordeals he witnessed as a soldier has been ingrained in his memory. Moreover, the structural usage of parallelism helps define the impossibility to escape from the clutches of devastation in the war. During Billys war experienced, he was imprisoned with many other Englishmen as prisoners of war and watched as they attempted to escape camp. They could tunnel all they pleased. They would inevitably surface within a rectangle of barbed wire, would find themselves greeted listlessly by dying Russians They could scheme all they pleased to hide aboard a vehicle but no vehicle ever came They could feign illness but that wouldnt earn them a trip anywhere either (Vonnegut 93). Even through the numerous efforts and attempts at trying to free oneself from the harsh realities experienced by war, all that would come out of it is hopelessness. The use of they could would always be followed by an outcome of sheer despair. The device helps to emphasize the use of how many times the men have tried to escape, showing that no matter what one does to get out of a bad si tuation, it is unobtainable. Here Vonnegut is expressing his renunciation of the simplistic notion of time on Earth that defines and imprisons us (Sumner 130). Alas, it does not matter how many times one attempts to run from being victimized by war, because time is preventing any change to happen. The fixation of time only proves that the chances of freedom are slim due to the future being set and the events leading up to it are inevitable. In addition, the overextended use of parallelism applies Billys example to show that it is fruitless to run away from ones unfortunate dilemmas. Whenever a hardship occurs in Billys past, present, or future, he travels in time to another moment of his life. As this happens throughout multiple instances, because Billy finds himself in many harsh events, only a few of them are stated. Billy blinked in 1958, traveled back in time to 1961 Billy traveled in time to another moment which was quite nice Billy, knowing the plane was going to crash pretty soon, closed his eyes, traveled in time back to 1944 (Vonnegut 46, 118, 156). The only way to get out of a bad situation, in Billys mind, is to go back to a time when it was never present. Even after trying to get away from them, he is met with another moment that does not please him and he tries to turn time to get away. This desperate attempt at fleeing is shown multiple times in order to emphasize the reality of how many drastic attempts i t takes for Billy to run away from his problems. The importance thing is to go on, to escape the paralyzing emotional rigidity that can turn one into a pillar of salt (McGinnis 148). Even if perils track Billy down through time and space, he still strives to move on to the next less traumatizing moment in order to ignore any PTSD that tries to come at him. However, this does not excuse Billy from fully fleeing. If time is truly set as Kurt Vonnegut states in his beliefs of a fourth dimension, then that would mean one part of Billy is having a fun moment, when the other Billy in the past is still suffering. The undying proof that one part of his lifespan is in in trouble, shows the constant suffering that will never truly go away. Next, the presence of similes portrays how war will feel never-ending if it continues to be glorified and fought by inexperienced soldiers. As Vonnegut visits his war friend, Bernard V. OHare, he is lectured by an angry Mary OHare in concern of how he will write his anti-war novel. Youll pretend you were men instead of babies, and youll be played in the movies And war will look just wonderful so well have a lot more of them. And theyll be fought by babies like the babies upstairs (Vonnegut 14). Generally, it is common knowledge that during World War II, young people were most likely drafted for the war. However, it is not advisable, as Mary claims, for media to glorify the young participants stories because it leads to more war. This would in fact attract more impressionable youths to fight, in hopes of becoming big shots. By comparing the youths in the war, to the children in Marys house, the device amplifies the absurdness of fighting a war of children war because it only brings mo re war in the future. Convinced that his novel will glorify war and make young people eager to fight, she reminds Vonnegut that most soldiers are really children (Marvin 114). At a relatively young age, Billy fought in the war, and due to his lack of ability and ingenuousness, many of the traumatic events amplified and followed him longer in life. Vonnegut deliberately wanted to compare how other forms of media about try to showcase a war fought for honor and bravery, when in reality the youths who get drafted are more susceptible to PTSD and are so inexperienced that war can drag on longer. Lastly, similes play a key role in comparing the trauma Billy receives with torture objects to represent how war will continue to follow an individual. In one of the flashbacks, Billy is at his eighteenth wedding anniversary party when he starts to react strangely to a barbershop quartet that triggers a post traumatic experience. Billy had powerful psychosomatic responses to the changing chords. His mouth filled with the taste of lemonade, and his face became grotesque, as though he really were being stretched on the torture engine called the rock (Vonnegut 173). It is quite concerning for Billy to recall a torture device and collate it to his expression. This vivid and troubled comparison proves the war continuing to follow him by the result of his views on everyday objects. Billy reacts to the memory called up by this association by having what seems to be a cardiac seizure (Edelstein 35). Again, it is important to not over look how normal things, such as a quartet, stress and give Billy anxiety because of the memories that he associates them with. The forced situations Billy had to undergo during the war will continue to slip into the crevices of his mind, and distort Billys outlook of the world. If this were to go on for the rest of his life, then everything that Billy will look at will be compared to another recollection of the war causing it to feel unending. Overall, imagery, parallelism, and similes signify that war in Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut, can never be fully stopped because it is unachievable for a participant, or the entire world, to be able to run away from its clutches because it will always try to follow them. It is important to distinguish the use of imagery and how a few of the examples either shown that the main character cannot evade an unfortunate obstacle, or how it represents the darkness of war that hides in ones mind as they look at the good of the world. To add, parallelism in the novel is known to emphasize the numerous amounts of times it takes to escape disaster and never attain it. Also it serves to show that it is impractical to even try to escape through the main characters example. Finally, the use of similes prove how war follows an individual because of how young they might have been when they first participated in it. It also shows how it follows an individual by comparing ones trauma to that of other horrid objects. No matter the instance, war can still be present in another part in the snake. However, it is not wholly impossible to live a life in the snake that was unhappy because who knows just how long their own lifespan may go and the many moments they will experience. Works Cited How-to-Imagine-Tenth-Dimension. YouTube, YouTube, 23 Jan. 2009, Accessed 20 Nov. 2018. Edelstein, Arnold. Slaughterhouse-Five: Time out of Joint. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, edited by Leonard Mustazza, Salem Press, 2011, pp. 132â€Å"147. Hinchcliffe, Richard. WouldSt Thou Be in a Dream: John Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress and Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five. European Journal of American Culture, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 183. EBSCOhost, Accessed 11 Nov. 2018. Marvin, Thomas F. Kurt Vonnegut: a Critical Companion. Greenwood Press, 2002. McGinnis, Wayne D. The Arbitrary Cycle of Slaughterhouse-Five: A Relation of Form to Theme. Critical Insights: Slaughterhouse-Five, edited by Leonard Mustazza, Salem Press, 2010, pp. 148â€Å"163. Moody, Jennifer. Mixing Fantasy with Fact: Kurt Vonneguts Use of Structure in Slaughterhouse-Five. Theocrit: The Online Journal of Undergraduate Literary Criticism and Theory 1.1, Theocrit, 2009, pp. 132-147. Accessed 11 Nov. 2018. Sumner, Gregory D. Unstuck in Time: a Journey through Kurt Vonneguts Life and Novels. Hunter Publishers, 2013. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse Five. Dell Pub., 1991. Use of Literary Devices in Slaughterhouse-Five - Free Essay Example Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2225 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Trail Of Tears Essay Did you like this example? An educator on the topic of multi-dimensions states that, If we think of ourselves as we were one minute ago, and imagine ourselves as we are at this moment, [that] would be a line in the fourth dimension. If you were to see your body in the fourth dimension, youd be like a long undulating snake ( ? ?). In the fourth dimension, all of ones lifespan is viewed, so a normal human would appear snake-like with baby feet on one end, and aged feet on the other. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Use of Literary Devices in Slaughterhouse-Five" essay for you Create order All suffering, joy, and loss happens at the exact same time only in different sections of the snake. If the notion of a four dimensional reality is true, then that would mean that every single human effort to create a destiny or a better life does not exist because a fate is already planned without control of the individual. Everything that will be and everything that already happened exists at the same time, fixed in a particular moment in ones lifespan. Not only that, but if one part of the snake is in trouble physically, and another moment is content, then that would mean ill-fortune is still ever-present. The book Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut uses imagery, parallelism, and similes to show that since war is never-ending and unavoidable, it is hopeless for an individual to escape its after effects ensuring that not one person nor a world will ever be free from it. First of all, the use of imagery reflects how unfeasible it is to avoid obstacles as represented by the main characters attempts to try and do so. After another one of Billys time travel escapades, he struggles out of a stationed military hospital in order to find the latrines outside. He delivered himself to a barbed-wire fence which snagged him in a dozen places. Billy tried to back away from it, but the barbs wouldnt let go. So Billy did a silly little dance with the fence, taking a step this way, then that way, then returning to the beginning again (Vonnegut 123). The barbed wire fence represents an obstacle in Billys life, and in this case, any attempt to find a way around it is fruitless unless he goes back to the root or place before he got stuck. It is more impactful to the reader if they can visualize a scenario in which a problem cannot be solved unless one returns to a time before it happened. In order to avoid war, one must have never started it, which is impossible consi dering that the world has seen it before (Moody 75). In other words, the obstacles in both scenarios are unpreventable to overcome unless a person goes back to before the catastrophe took place so that the obstacle would have never existed. Yet this absurd notion cannot be obtained because, as shown by Vonneguts example of the fence, war entraps and ensnares the defenseless, making it so that war is all the world truly knows. More over, using imagery shows how war can continue even after the fighting is over due to the morbid descriptions that haunt the main character. As Billy is being hospitalized, he looks upon and vividly captures the essence of the dreary table next to him. There was a still life on Billys bedside tabletwo pills, an ashtray with three lipstick-stained cigarettes in it, one cigarette was still burning and a glass of water. The water was dead. So it goes. Air was trying to get out of that dead water. Bubbles were clinging to the walls of the glass, too weak to climb out (Vonnegut 101). The bubbles struggling to get out of the water reflect Billys own disposition and experience he had witnessed in the war. This disturbed and morbid representation of imagery is necessary to show how Billy views the war to entrap innocent lives who are too weak to do anything to prevent their demise. In post-war life his ordeal continues, his wartime traumas return to haunt him and he is tested further (H inchcliffe 189). Even in the peaceful life that comes after the war, any effort to fully live in harmony is demolished by the left over trauma that manipulates and distorts every day life. As mentioned, how Billy regards the bedside table scene is more troubling than how an average person might have viewed it. He is constantly seeing loss and battles in life whenever he looks at ordinary objects because the ordeals he witnessed as a soldier has been ingrained in his memory. Moreover, the structural usage of parallelism helps define the impossibility to escape from the clutches of devastation in the war. During Billys war experienced, he was imprisoned with many other Englishmen as prisoners of war and watched as they attempted to escape camp. They could tunnel all they pleased. They would inevitably surface within a rectangle of barbed wire, would find themselves greeted listlessly by dying Russians They could scheme all they pleased to hide aboard a vehicle but no vehicle ever came They could feign illness but that wouldnt earn them a trip anywhere either (Vonnegut 93). Even through the numerous efforts and attempts at trying to free oneself from the harsh realities experienced by war, all that would come out of it is hopelessness. The use of they could would always be followed by an outcome of sheer despair. The device helps to emphasize the use of how many times the men have tried to escape, showing that no matter what one does to get out of a bad si tuation, it is unobtainable. Here Vonnegut is expressing his renunciation of the simplistic notion of time on Earth that defines and imprisons us (Sumner 130). Alas, it does not matter how many times one attempts to run from being victimized by war, because time is preventing any change to happen. The fixation of time only proves that the chances of freedom are slim due to the future being set and the events leading up to it are inevitable. In addition, the overextended use of parallelism applies Billys example to show that it is fruitless to run away from ones unfortunate dilemmas. Whenever a hardship occurs in Billys past, present, or future, he travels in time to another moment of his life. As this happens throughout multiple instances, because Billy finds himself in many harsh events, only a few of them are stated. Billy blinked in 1958, traveled back in time to 1961 Billy traveled in time to another moment which was quite nice Billy, knowing the plane was going to crash pretty soon, closed his eyes, traveled in time back to 1944 (Vonnegut 46, 118, 156). The only way to get out of a bad situation, in Billys mind, is to go back to a time when it was never present. Even after trying to get away from them, he is met with another moment that does not please him and he tries to turn time to get away. This desperate attempt at fleeing is shown multiple times in order to emphasize the reality of how many drastic attempts i t takes for Billy to run away from his problems. The importance thing is to go on, to escape the paralyzing emotional rigidity that can turn one into a pillar of salt (McGinnis 148). Even if perils track Billy down through time and space, he still strives to move on to the next less traumatizing moment in order to ignore any PTSD that tries to come at him. However, this does not excuse Billy from fully fleeing. If time is truly set as Kurt Vonnegut states in his beliefs of a fourth dimension, then that would mean one part of Billy is having a fun moment, when the other Billy in the past is still suffering. The undying proof that one part of his lifespan is in in trouble, shows the constant suffering that will never truly go away. Next, the presence of similes portrays how war will feel never-ending if it continues to be glorified and fought by inexperienced soldiers. As Vonnegut visits his war friend, Bernard V. OHare, he is lectured by an angry Mary OHare in concern of how he will write his anti-war novel. Youll pretend you were men instead of babies, and youll be played in the movies And war will look just wonderful so well have a lot more of them. And theyll be fought by babies like the babies upstairs (Vonnegut 14). Generally, it is common knowledge that during World War II, young people were most likely drafted for the war. However, it is not advisable, as Mary claims, for media to glorify the young participants stories because it leads to more war. This would in fact attract more impressionable youths to fight, in hopes of becoming big shots. By comparing the youths in the war, to the children in Marys house, the device amplifies the absurdness of fighting a war of children war because it only brings mo re war in the future. Convinced that his novel will glorify war and make young people eager to fight, she reminds Vonnegut that most soldiers are really children (Marvin 114). At a relatively young age, Billy fought in the war, and due to his lack of ability and ingenuousness, many of the traumatic events amplified and followed him longer in life. Vonnegut deliberately wanted to compare how other forms of media about try to showcase a war fought for honor and bravery, when in reality the youths who get drafted are more susceptible to PTSD and are so inexperienced that war can drag on longer. Lastly, similes play a key role in comparing the trauma Billy receives with torture objects to represent how war will continue to follow an individual. In one of the flashbacks, Billy is at his eighteenth wedding anniversary party when he starts to react strangely to a barbershop quartet that triggers a post traumatic experience. Billy had powerful psychosomatic responses to the changing chords. His mouth filled with the taste of lemonade, and his face became grotesque, as though he really were being stretched on the torture engine called the rock (Vonnegut 173). It is quite concerning for Billy to recall a torture device and collate it to his expression. This vivid and troubled comparison proves the war continuing to follow him by the result of his views on everyday objects. Billy reacts to the memory called up by this association by having what seems to be a cardiac seizure (Edelstein 35). Again, it is important to not over look how normal things, such as a quartet, stress and give Billy anxiety because of the memories that he associates them with. The forced situations Billy had to undergo during the war will continue to slip into the crevices of his mind, and distort Billys outlook of the world. If this were to go on for the rest of his life, then everything that Billy will look at will be compared to another recollection of the war causing it to feel unending. Overall, imagery, parallelism, and similes signify that war in Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut, can never be fully stopped because it is unachievable for a participant, or the entire world, to be able to run away from its clutches because it will always try to follow them. It is important to distinguish the use of imagery and how a few of the examples either shown that the main character cannot evade an unfortunate obstacle, or how it represents the darkness of war that hides in ones mind as they look at the good of the world. To add, parallelism in the novel is known to emphasize the numerous amounts of times it takes to escape disaster and never attain it. Also it serves to show that it is impractical to even try to escape through the main characters example. Finally, the use of similes prove how war follows an individual because of how young they might have been when they first participated in it. It also shows how it follows an individual by comparing ones trauma to that of other horrid objects. No matter the instance, war can still be present in another part in the snake. However, it is not wholly impossible to live a life in the snake that was unhappy because who knows just how long their own lifespan may go and the many moments they will experience. Works Cited How-to-Imagine-Tenth-Dimension. YouTube, YouTube, 23 Jan. 2009, Accessed 20 Nov. 2018. Edelstein, Arnold. Slaughterhouse-Five: Time out of Joint. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, edited by Leonard Mustazza, Salem Press, 2011, pp. 132â€Å"147. Hinchcliffe, Richard. WouldSt Thou Be in a Dream: John Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress and Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five. European Journal of American Culture, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 183. EBSCOhost, Accessed 11 Nov. 2018. Marvin, Thomas F. Kurt Vonnegut: a Critical Companion. Greenwood Press, 2002. McGinnis, Wayne D. The Arbitrary Cycle of Slaughterhouse-Five: A Relation of Form to Theme. Critical Insights: Slaughterhouse-Five, edited by Leonard Mustazza, Salem Press, 2010, pp. 148â€Å"163. Moody, Jennifer. Mixing Fantasy with Fact: Kurt Vonneguts Use of Structure in Slaughterhouse-Five. Theocrit: The Online Journal of Undergraduate Literary Criticism and Theory 1.1, Theocrit, 2009, pp. 132-147. Accessed 11 Nov. 2018. Sumner, Gregory D. Unstuck in Time: a Journey through Kurt Vonneguts Life and Novels. Hunter Publishers, 2013. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse Five. Dell Pub., 1991.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

French Polynesia Essay - 883 Words

This idyllic but realistic scenario can happen to each of you who wish to go abroad on a break. Dont you think? Well, today I will talk about this possible destination which is Tahiti the main island in French Polynesia, its friendly population, and what a tourist can do to enjoy his trip there. Body I/ First, let see where Tahiti and her islands are located compared to the rest of the world. Tahiti and her islands are officially known as French Polynesia. (Which island in Tahiti?). They are located in the middle of an imaginary triangle which starts with Hawaii in the north, New Zealand in the west and finally, Easter Island in the east. (It is actually 5 and #189; hours from Hawaii to Tahiti on a plane going south). These†¦show more content†¦ol li value=1- High islands are mainly found in the Society Islands, the Marquesas and the Australs. They are essentially mountains rising above the surface of the ocean, often surrounded by a coral ring that forms a barrier reef. Between the barrier reef and the island proper is the lagoon, a sort of shallow buffer zone with a gentle aquatic environment where the calm turquoise waters contrast with the darker blue of the ocean. li value=2- An Atoll is a circular coral reef, or string of coral islands, emerging above the surface of the water and surrounding a lagoon. Atolls are particularly common in the Tuamotus, where they vary from 75 km in length to just 4 km across. The strips of land formed around the reef, made of coral debris and calcareous substances, can reach a height of 6m, and are usually covered in bushes and coconut trees. The lagoon is often shallow, rarely exceeding 40m in depth. /ol (Now that we know where French Polynesia and Tahiti are, we need to take look at its population to understand how friendly they are). II/ Second, the composition of the population come from different backgrounds. The population of French Polynesia is estimated to be about 239,500 and is characterized by its youth - half the population is under 25 of age - and its uneven geographic distribution. The Society islands are home to more than 86% of the total population,Show MoreRelatedSignificance Of Compute Crime And A Particular Emphasis Towards Computer Forensics1515 Words   |  7 Pagesthere were many different finding from the digital forensic case. There were picture of holiday spots which led me to have more suspicion in this case further. Bora Bora Island French Polynesia Map Hotel Bora Bora Pearl Beach Resort The Hotel Bora Bora Pearl Beach Resort, one of the newest resorts in French Polynesia, is a first class tropical retreat. As we have seen email as an evidence earlier on where bonnie wants to marry Clyde and go for honeymoon in France or far way. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Taylorism versus Fayolism-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Management and Organization in a Global Environment. Answer: Taylorism versus Fayolism Any employee oriented organizational management and public administration field is based upon two influential ideas, which are Taylorism and Fayolism. Henry Fayol established the new management science by breaking the conventional practice where the management was only work oriented. His concept of a management which is employee oriented transformed the management practice. The managements engagement with the employees will result in their effective motivation which will help them to become more efficient towards the organization (Ford and Taylor Scientific Management (Edited), 2008). However the ideas developed by Taylor were unparallel even though those were more conservative than Fayols idea. The idea developed by Fayol was more effective in creating a free and open organizational work culture. Implementation of this idea provided the employees and managers with more space regarding management issues where experimentation and innovation were appreciated. POLC was an extended form of Fayols idea. The contemporary theories of the organizational management is built upon this POLC ( Schermerhorn, 2013). Taylor and Fords idea was developed with the traditional structure of the organization keeping in mind. In a traditional practice the organization run the employees by some particular set of rules and instructions. Here Fayols idea contradicts with that of Ford and Taylors. In Taylorism the managers are control the employees by some specific rules as they are only concerned about the tasks to be completed within the decided time. In this practice, the management never allowed the employees to innovate or act (Fayolism as the Necessary Complement of Taylorism on Jstor, 2016). However both of them contributed significantly in improving the organizational work condition and generating the idea of supply chain and line management in the industry. Taylors theory of scientific management was successfully implemented by Ford in his plants which not only resulted in increased efficiency but also minimized the per unit production cost. The practice of mechanized work was transformed by this p ractice and he also could offer better wages to his service workers (Ford and Taylor Scientific Management (Edited), 2008). In the contemporary world the organizations apply both of the theories to run the business successfully. Like in call centre business the Taylorism is applied in order to tell the employees what exactly they have to do (Schermerhorn, 2013). In banking business, every employee works by following the set of instructions set by the management leadership. Similarly the car manufacturer assembly lines implement Fords idea in their management which is directly influenced by Taylor (Schermerhorn, 2013). Fayols idea of business management is more applied in business such as software companies or fashion industries. They let their employees to experiment, come up with new ideas and innovate new products capable of expand the business. So, the companies need to apply both of the theories according to their culture and need. References Fayolism as the Necessary Complement of taylorism on JSTOR. (2016). Retrieved 20 August 2017, from Ford and Taylor Scientific Management (Edited). (2008). Schermerhorn, J. (2013). Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Introduction About Education free essay sample

Education is the center of shaping the behavior of man. In the same manner, the home and the school, play vital roles in the development of the child. Cooperation or coordination of parents and teachers’ enhance behavior of students. It tries to upgrade the quality of well being of the students. It tries to upgrade the quality of well being of the student in terms of knowledge, attitude and skills, habits and values while under the supervision of the school. The school however, cannot realize the thrusts of education because of student’s behavior towards their academic performance that stand that way. The development of proper behavior of students in school is becoming a matter of increasing concern. There is the widespread of observation that students perform very poorly in their school tasks. The researcher is aware that one of the causes of these poor performances could be due to computer games or internet games, and unless the factors affecting these behaviors are identified, analyzed, and given proper measures, school would continue to produce half-baked or half cooked graduates. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction About Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The foregoing concepts serves as the rationale of this study since now a days; it is a fact that students find difficulty in controlling playing on line games than doing with their school work that often results to their failure in academic achievement. Hence, the researcher was motivated to the study current trend among pupils in studying their lessons, together with the factors that affect such trends. Learning enriches one’s life and can help one achieve whatever goals he has. The more he knows, the more he does something worthwhile in his life. If one ones to learn, he should think positively. He should put into his mind that every time he learns something, he grows and takes another step toward reaching his goals. Another one is the attitude of the learner. He should ask himself. â€Å"Do I want to learn? If the answer is yes, it is expected that the learner will have do everything he thinks may help him achieve the learning he wants. Some students are now addicted playing internet game on line. During there free time they tend to rent or play at home or even outside . Instead of studying lessons they to play on net and even forgot about time and other important matters to be done after school time. Teachers usually look for reasons for such behavior problems of their students.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

19th Century Industrialization, Technologies, and Business Strategies

Late-nineteenth-century industrialization is characterized by the development of new big businesses and industries. The process of industrialization proved once again that agriculture was not that important as many people used to think; lots of people were so sick and tired of numerous farmers and their rules, that is why they were eager to change something in their lives in order to feel some changes. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on 19th Century Industrialization, Technologies, and Business Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With time, even farmers wanted to modernize their work and use as many techniques as possible, taking into account their possibilities. Frequent immigration to America, desire to get some land and be able to develop it, social losses during the wars – all this lead to one fact: industrialization and technological revolution was inevitable. Properly chosen technologies and b usiness strategies turned out to be a significant point in industrialization at the end of 19th century and promoted quicker exchange of information and services, more qualitative and durable products: opening world markets, using of cheap labor, and creating of possible business ventures were the key innovations in business strategies; the development of machinery, frequent use of electricity, maturation of oil, and the extraction of petroleum were the major technological innovations. The end of the 19th century was marked by a kind of revolution that was caused by and, at the same time, had certain influence on the international relations and world history. The Americans were described as â€Å"labeled traditionalist, communitarian, republican, liberal, and market- and profit-driven† nation (Licht, 2). Native Americans created more and more complicated conditions for immigrants: poor people from different countries were eager to change their rural roots and get a chance to work in the big cities. People of various religions and nations came to cities in order to find job, become wealthy, and have more and more opportunities for professional growth. This is why poverty and frequent immigration became the two major factors of nineteenth century industrialization and its rapid success. Though American industrialization was a bit behind the Europe because of really cheap labor from the one hand, and the influence of British colonial policy from the other hand (Goloboy, xiii), the success of the American nation was obvious. The changes took place usually in two spheres: economic and social (Rury, 57). However, America wanted to take leading positions as soon as possible, this is why the development of technologies became crucial as well. However, first of all, the development of business strategies considerably influenced the maturation of American industry. Of course, the most popular business strategy was the use of cheap labor power. Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It was not difficult to use people, pay not too much money, and not to care about proper working conditions. This is why factories’ owners had all chances to make much money and use cheap labor. The economy grew considerably within a short period of time, however, poor people remained to be poor, and the middle class people earned more and more. So, the employers did not have to spend much time on searching for proper labor and concentrated more on numerous business ventures and increasing world markets. Of course, business strategies would not work without proper development of technologies. People’s ability to use electricity promoted a considerable development of electrical motors and other appliances for house holding. People wanted to improve their lives, this is why each technological innovation was interesting both for industry and for home use. Th e access to natural resources, which enlarge the influence of industrialization, served as a strong reason for numerous competitions and further implementation of technological innovations. Petroleum was used to produce oil and kerosene and to serve as a proper lubricant. The maturation of American industry was considerably facilitated at the end of the 19th century. The immigration of such a huge number of people is such a short period of time caused the growth of cities and disregard of agricultural traditions. Women realized that they have all chances to work outside, earn money, become a bit independent from men, and get proper education to achieve the desirable purposes (Rury, 78). However, it is necessary to admit that industrialization had a certain impact on family unites and promote their destructions. Women wanted to be free, and men had no idea of how to keep them home; they just did not know what should be done to improve the situation. This is why they should learn qu icker and be ready to analyze the factors, which support industrialization in order not to lose family and family business. So, each aspect of the society underwent certain changes due to maturation of industry. Late-nineteenth-century industrialization was one of the most significant actions, which considerably influenced the development of the whole world. That event caused numerous changes, which lead to dissatisfaction of some people and help the others to enlarge personal incomes. The use of cheap labor made American industrialization possible, and immigration of people from different countries helped the employers not be bothered with the ideas of where labor could be found. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on 19th Century Industrialization, Technologies, and Business Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The late 19th century America developed due to numerous changes: desire to work and become independ ent, take leading positions and control other nations, and the inevitability of industrialization – all these promoted the development of business strategies and technologies in America. But still, taking into consideration all pros and cons of industrialization, it is possible to admit that it was an integral part of our life; and our history, and past, present, and future would not be fulfill, if people did not accept and support industrialization. Works Cited Goloboy, Jennifer, L. Industrial Revolution: People and Perspectives. ABC – CLIO, 2008. Licht, Walter. Industrializing America: The Nineteenth Century (The American Moment). Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. Rury, John, L. Education and Social Change: Themes in the History of American Schooling. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2005. This essay on 19th Century Industrialization, Technologies, and Business Strategies was written and submitted by user Lucille Kinney to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Path to Power essays

Path to Power essays Filling three high-level voids caused Adolph Hitler to rise to power as the totalitarian dictator of Germany. With his country in the ferment left from World War One, groups at all levels of politics were looking for a savior. Hitler stumbled upon an awareness of his own charisma, saw the opportunities to usurp power, and pursued his assent. The key factors allowing his success were his rise through the German Workers Party, becoming Chancellor of Germany, and orchestrating the combination of the offices of The first factor was Hitlers ordered membership in the German Workers party. In September, 1919, officers of the Munich Command suspected disloyalty among political groups when it came to the military, and they needed a spy. They chose Hitler because of his towering hatred for Jews and Traitors. His mission was to join the German Workers Party and help it grow. Shortly after joining the Party he learned that their goal was to discuss ways of creating a better Germany. Many of the members blamed the Jews and Marxists for the problems of Germany, but they had no plan or program to set things right. Working with this organization caused Hitler to discover something about himself. He never expected that he had a gifted ability to control and influence people for his gain through speech. The more he spoke, the more enthusiastic they became, and the more control he had over them. Hitlers emotions ignited the crowd. People lost control of themselves, trembling, sobbing, weeping, and howling. Men as well as women fainted and fell over in the aisles. They were bewitched. Hitler quit the military and decided to wield the German Workers Party as his weapon to become the The next stepping stone arose when President Paul von Hindenburg decided that the Nazis could no longer be kept out of the government and asked ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation - Essay Example There are some published works concerning the influence of roughness and moisture properties of the substrate surface on the bond strength with added layer. But, most works concentrate only on one characteristic of roughness or moisture or test method etc., at one time. Further, roughness is assessed only qualitatively, by observing the substrate surface and by classifying it as very smooth, smooth, rough. In the Eurocode 2 (Eurocode 2, 2003) it is stated that for shear at interface between concrete cast at different times, "in the absence of more detailed information, surfaces may be classified as very smooth, smooth, rough or indented". This kind of roughness evaluation has disadvantage due to subjective results. Thus, this dissertation aims to carry out an experimental study for evaluating the effect of different surface conditions on the bond between two concretes and to compare the effects of different roughness conditions relative to quantified roughness parameters. It is antic ipated that with this study, a suitable condition for substrate surface for optimum bond will be established. The researcher wishes to convey his profound gratitude and sincerest appreciation to those who have extended much effort and assistance contributory to the success of the dissertation. His deepest indebtedness goes particularly to the following: Almighty God, for giving him strength, wisdom, and vision to finish his study; His Supervisor, for his guidance and suggestions to improve the research work; His family, who reassured, inspired, and supported him morally, and financially; His colleague and friends, for their words of encouragement; All others who helped the researcher make this dissertation possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Abstract Acknowledgment Table of Contents List of Figures CHAPTER 1 - Introduction General Adhesion Literature Review CHAPTER 2 - Methodology Test Methods Shear Tests Direct Shear Test CHAPTER 3 - Experimental Details Concrete Mix Properties Sample Details Test Details CHAPTER 4 - Results & Discussions CHAPTER 5 - Conclusions & Recommendations LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Concrete remains an indispensable construction material because of its flexibility, durability and workability. With time, however, concrete structures deteriorate and weaken, thus repair and restructuring is inevitable. Signs of deterioration or defects such as cracks on the structures are often perceived as indicators of the need to perform maintenance. Concrete repairs usually require adding of new concrete to existing old concrete element to protract the 'useful life of an existing structure, to restore its load-carrying capacity and stiffness, and to strengthen its members' (Bissonnette, et al., 2009). Some of the most commonly used cementing materials in the production of the new overlay include resin, mortar, mortar purified with latex, ordinary concrete (OC),

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Compare Newton and Goethe's theory described in a particular video Essay

Compare Newton and Goethe's theory described in a particular video - Essay Example When the cone is illuminated by white light on either sides, a grey shadow appears on either sides. When a green filter is used to cover one of the light sources, the set up displays a magenta shade. The magenta shade is a visionary creation of the eyes as green’s complimentary color. Goethe spent 40 years formulating his theory of colors. His studies took color as part of the human vision into account. Therefore, Goethe studied the human eye in detail and based his theory on man as an observer. The eye will always strive to bring about unity and totality in the way we perceive colors. The eyes create harmony by initiating complementary colors. For example, Red is the complementary color for cyan. Goethe studied the quality and characteristics of colors and the conditions under which specific colors came into existence. In his theory, Goethe reiterates that light and darkness are co-factors in the formation of colors. He encoded his research on colors on a color-wheel. The complimentary and harmonic color pairs are placed on opposite sides of the wheel. The harmonic colors form a basis for the interaction between a seeing man and the world of colors, that is, when the world shows us a particular color, our vision responds by perceiving a complementary color. The theory is insistent on the fact that the perception of color must take into account the qualities of color in dark conditions and in light as well. In his experiments, Newton constructed a triangular prism to advance his theory of the refraction of light. In the experiment, he directs a beam of sunlight to pass through the prism upon which refraction occurs. The refraction results into a spectrum which is a series of seven colors commonly associated with the rainbow. From the observations he made during the illustration, Newton concluded that the seven colors are components of white light. Therefore, Newton’s theory associates the perception

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Identify the important examples and images of technology in the novel Essay

Identify the important examples and images of technology in the novel and to explain why they are important - Essay Example Rather an in-depth analysis of the inner meaning of the novel seems to be bound to exhume a more profound theme that includes technology revealed in a positively negative context. The question whether technology can bring about ultimate happiness has been continually explored throughout the whole novel. Here Huxley scathingly criticizes any regime that claims universal happiness for human being. He attempts to establish; if happiness is something to be pursued by human being, certainly it cannot be brought about by any genetic pre-program. Consequently the futility of the use of technology by the totalitarian authority to bring happiness is revealed in the claim of the savages: The right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen tomorrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind. (Huxley, 240) In the novel Huxley continually manages to exploits the attention of his readers to the fact that happiness in the Brave New World derives from what technology is supposed to contribute to it, such as genetic engineering, mutation and biological advancements, Centrifugal Bumble-puppy and Obstacle Golf, pleasure drug, Soma, etc. One of the stunning aspects of this technology-equipped society is the limitless consumerism that satisfies only the hunger of carnal desires of human being. Consequently ‘Happiness’ in this society tolls the sacrifice of the most sacred shibboleths of human culture: â€Å"love†, â€Å"family†, â€Å"freedom†, â€Å"motherhood†, â€Å"home† etc. Controls in every sphere of life determine the individual existence of human being. Controls of technical pre-programs replace the moral restrictions of human that traditional religions of the world impose upon man, as Mustafa Mond says, â€Å"God isnt

Friday, November 15, 2019

Antecedents of Safety Performance Behaviours: A Review

Antecedents of Safety Performance Behaviours: A Review Occupational safety is a vital issue that is affecting peoples lives and also countries economies dramatically. As the necessity of preventing the occupational accidents and illnesses occur, more researches are conducted to understand and improve the conditions that cause the hazards. (Neal Griffin, 2006) In this essay, the antecedents of performance safety behaviours would be critically reviewed. Work safety and the accident measures are vital for preventing the injuries and the occupation related illnesses. According to the data of HSE (Health and Safety Executive) Statistics 2009/2010; in UK, 152 people died at workplace 1,3 million worker are suffering from occupational based illnesses , 354 430 worker had injured (reportable and other injuries). The accidents and occupational illnesses also have an economic effect as 28,5 million work days were lost in total based on the injuries and illnesses. (The Health and Safety Executive, UK, 2010) The dramatic effect of occupational accidents and illnesses on human and economy forces for new precautions and further researches to improve the conditions that would affect the health of the workers. According to Fernà ¡ndez-Muà ±iz, Montes-Peà ³n Và ¡zquez-Ordà ¡s (2007) , for recovering from the recent situation in occupational injuries and illnesses, safety culture has an increasing interest by several fields. According to the research they have conducted on 455 Spanish companies, they have found out that the managers in the companies has direct and indirect vital roles in the means of providing a safety culture which effects the workers safe behaviour. Managers can affect the workers by founding a management system which would enforce the safety regulations and activities. Managers can also guide them to desired behaviour that would help them to improve a safer work environment. Safety culture is an important concept that comes to life after the Chernobyl disaster although there were studies examining the companies in the means of the effects of the policies, behaviours and precautions to their safety performance. One of the oldest theory is Heinrichs Domino theory (1930s) which is based on the five dominos that would fall in an accident sequence as the first one is social environment conducive to accidents and the others are fault of person. Even though lots of research had been conducted after this theory, safety culture is not totally clear in the means of understanding and implementation. Despite the organizational differences defined by industrial, regional, national, technological, companies experiences, managements view on safety culture, legal regulations, there are still common points that would define an efficient safety culture. In a successful safety culture, the workers should be aware of all the risks in their work and also they should be know and practice all the precautionary measures for their own safety. The workers also should be cautious about the new potential risks and inform the management about practices and developments.(Ostrom, Wilhesen Kaplan,1993) Safety Performance behaviours are strongly related with safety motivation and knowledge. Psychological and group safety climates are also has vital effects on the safety performance behaviours however group safety climate has the strongest association in the means of accidents and injuries. (Christian, Bradley, Wallace Burke, 2009) Neal and Griffin, (2006) argues that occupational performance is an efficient way to examine the relationship between safety behaviour and safety climate. Neal and Griffin, (2002) had divided the safety behaviour in to two as safety participation and safety compliance. Safety participation is related with the performance such as safety trainings, interaction with the other workers in the safety concerns, that is not particularly related with the workers own safety however sustain an organizational culture to improve safety at the workplace. Safety compliance is related with the workers performance that is needed to sustain the occupational safety such as wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) and comply with the organizational regulations. Christian et all., (2009) categorize antecedents as person related (proximal and distal antecedents) or situation related (safety climate and leadership) . Safety knowledge and safety motivation are determined as the proximal antecedents. Safety knowledge is important in the means of the personal fulfilment of the safety rules and actions. (Neal Griffin, 2002) As knowledge has a positive connection with performance behaviour it would also improve the success of the safety performance because the worker who had the related knowledge would behave safer. (Christian et all., 2009) Safety motivation is vital in the means of the workers motivation to fulfil safety rules and required actions. (Neal Griffin, 2002). Christian et all.(2009) assumes safety motivation positively effect the improvement in the number of accidents. Clarke and Robertson (2005), used the big five personality factors to examine their relation with the accidents. According to their research, low agreeableness and conscientiousness were found as related with the accident involvement. Even though highly extraverted workers might be considered as more likely to have accidents, the relation between extraversion and work place accidents were found invalid. The workers who have higher neuroticism are more likely to have problems in risky situations than the others and also because they could easily get demotivated they are more likely to have experience accidents. Christian et all., (2009) also used the big five personality factors to examine their relation with the accidents. By considering the conscientious workers features as being more responsible, dependable, and also more positively related to motivation than the other workers who has lower conscientiousness levels, they are less likely to have occupational accidents. Also as Clarke and Robertson, (2005) had founded, Christian et. all, (2009) suggests the workers who have higher neuroticism would have lower safety performance behaviour and higher chances to encounter to an accident. Locus of control is one of the big five personality factors. It is one of the most researched areas in psychology with self-esteem and neuroticism. (Judge, Erez, Bono Thoresen, 2002) The workers who have internal locus of control are more concerned in the safety issues where as the workers who has external locus of control are less likely to concern the safety. (Christian et. All, 2009) Propensity for risk taking is one of the big five personality factors that concerns about the reason why some people decide to perform more risky behaviours than the others. To examine the reasons that would cause the risky behaviours would enable the management to found better working risk management systems. According to the research, the tendency of risk consciousness is higher than it was before over the job markets not only about the financial risks but also the occupational accidents. (Nicholson, Soane, Fenton-OCreevy, Willman,2005) Safety climate can be defined as a concept that includes the safety policies, strategies and actions for providing the safety in the organisation. Otherwise safety culture is related with the beliefs and values that are shared by workers in the means of their reactions on the safety risks and management systems. The researches on safety climate generally concentrate on the main configuration of safety climate and also examines the connection between safety climate and outcome variables. Several researches were carried out to describe the safety climate hence they couldnt compromise on the main scope of safety climate as they provide an extensive scale of various main configurations. (Neal Griffin, 2002) As the former researches refers to a considerable connection between safety climate and accident involvement, (Clark, 2006) argues that safety climate has a small relation with occupational accidents even though it is successful in estimating the safety performance behaviours. Organizational safety climate has more effect than the individuals safety climate in safety performance as it consists of collective concepts in the group than individual ones.(Christian et all., 2009) Leadership is a situation related antecedent. Lately some researches are conducted in the means of examining the relationship between the leadership and safety climate which might have an effect on accidents and safe behaviour. Leader worker relations has a vital effect on the workers actions. The workers who have high-quality relationships with their leaders are more likely to have more positive safety behaviours because the leader and the worker would have connected to solve problems together. (Hofmann, Morgeson Gerras 2003) Also workers who have positive interactions with their leaders are more likely to respond their leaders positively then their colloquies. (Christian et. all, 2009) Every year a high number of workers are affected by the occupational accidents and illnesses which forces to research occupational safety to find solutions to improve the current situation. The managers have an important affect in the organizational culture to change the workers safety behaviours. (Fernà ¡ndez-Muà ±iz et all, 2007) Also workers should be aware of the all risks in their work and know how to prevent them. (Ostrom et. all, 1993) Safety motivation and safety knowledge is important for preventing the accidents. (Christian et. all, 2009) As we conduct the big five factor model to occupational safety behaviours, it has been found out that, low agreeableness and conscientiousness are related with the accident involvement (Clarke Robinson, 2005) Also the workers who has higher neuroticism are more open to the accidents. (Christian et. all, 2009) Organizational safety climate has also a positive affect on the workers safety behaviours. (Christian et. all, 2009) REFERENCES Christian, M.S., Bradley, J.C., Wallace, J.C., Burke, M.J.,( 2009), Workplace Safety: A Meta-Analysis of the Roles of Person and Situation Factors , Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(5), 1103-1127 Clark, S., Robertson, I.T., (2005), A meta- analytic review of the Big Five personality factors and accident involvement in occupational non-occupational settings. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78(3), 355-376 Clark, S., (2006), The relationship between safety climate and safety performance: A meta-analytic review, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11(4), 315-327 Fernà ¡ndez-Muà ±iz ,B., Montes-Peà ³n, J.M., Và ¡zquez-Ordà ¡s, C.J., (2007) ,Safety culture: Analysis of the causal relationships between its key dimensions, Journal of Safety Research, 38, 627-641 Hofmann, D.A., Morgeson, F.P. Gerras, S.J., (2003), Climate as a moderator of the relationship between leader-member exchange and content specific citizenship: Safety climate as an exemplar, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(1), 170-178 Neal,A., Griffin ,M.A. (2002), Safety Climate and Safety Behaviour , Australian Journal of Management, 27, 67-76 Neal, A., Griffin, M.A., (2006), A study of the lagged relationships among safety climate, safety motivation, and accidents at the individual and group levels, Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(4), 946-953 Nicholson, N., Soane, E., Fenton-OCreevy, M., Willman, P.(2005), Personality and domain-specific risk taking, Journal of Risk Research, 8(2), 157-176 Ostrom, L., Wilhelmsen, C. and Kaplan, B. (1993) Assessing Safety Culture, Nuclear Safety, 34(2),163-172 The Health and Safety Statistics 2009/10,HSE 2010, Judge, T.A., Erez, A., Bono, J.E., Thoresen, C.J., (2002), Are measures of self-esteem, neuroticism, locus of control, and generalized self-efficacy indicators of a common core construct?, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(3), 693-710

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Humans and Nature: Treatment of Pollution with Technology Essays

Humans and Nature: Treatment of Pollution with Technology Humans are unable to live independent of nature. Human beings are forced to live by Mother Nature's rules. By destroying nature we are only destroying ourselves. But pollution does just that: it severely damages our natural environment, sometimes beyond recovery. The treatment of pollution is a complex science that has evolved greatly in the 20th century mostly due to the industrial environment we live in today. From the basic classification of today's pollution to developing a supplement to our ever so damaging fossil fuel, advances in technology have helped the human race protect the natural environment around us. Humans today create a wide range of pollution from basic trash to radio active petroleum. One of the first steps in implementing a plan to deal with pollution is to classify the wastes that are being dealt with. The primary purpose of a classification system is to facilitate understanding and simplify management of the multiple elements of a diverse system. A tension exists between two of the objectives of such a system: to simplify and have the least number of classes, and to include all the diverse categories to properly manage such a classification system.1 Since the nuclear age, focus on nuclear problems have centered more on the activities that generate nuclear waste than on the characteristics of the waste generated or on the disposal of those nuclear wastes. Often one would hear of the nuclear waste caused by a power plant, but never about the details of what type or even to what degree.2 The US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) classified wastes based primarily on operational and handling concerns. The first legal distinction between different r... ...n Through Emission Controls (Not published) University of Dayton 1972. Found in Roesch Library. 2.) IL, American Nuclear Society. Glasstone, Sammuel. Nuclear Power and its Environmental Effects. La Grange Park. 3.) Lowenthal, Micah D. "Waste-acceptance criteria and risk-based thinking for Radioactive-waste classification." Waste Management 18 (1998) pp. 249-256. 4.) Kjaer, Bruel. Noise Control Principles and Practice. 1st ed. Sweden: Arbetarskyddsfonden. 5.) Seidel, Stephen, Dale Keyes. Can We Delay A Greenhouse Warming? 2nd (Corrected) ed. Washington D.C: Strategic Studies Staff, Office of Police Analysis, and Office fo Policy, Planning and Evaluation. 6.) Warith, M.A., K. Kennedy, and R. Reitsma. "Use of sanitary sewers as wastewater Pre- treatment systems." Waste Management 18 (1998) pp. 235-247.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Being Me

Being Me Its tough being a teenage girl; especially me, that’s excruciating. Take some advice – no one can ever fully understand someone so don’t even try to – it’s impossible. As you read this essay beware, not everyone lives with money and happiness handed to them or lives ‘the dream’. Fact 1, Everyone is stereotyped, bound to whatever group everyone else thinks you are, not who you actually are every stereotype hates at least one other. I get stereotyped because of the make-up on my face, nothing else, just how I look. Why? To find another way to make themselves feel better by putting everyone else down. Pathetic, right? I have lost and gained so many people it is unbelievable; one thing I will say though, is no one sticks around. They expect you there for their troubles but when yours it’s completely different, you can handle them on your own, yes of course. I have gained 3 important people though, Heather Gemma and Anya, they may not stick around forever but they are the closest. I am bitter towards friendships because I lost my best friend to her boyfriend, shaped my opinions on almost everything, from friendships to relationships with anyone, a great deal. Looking back on this I would say I handled that poorly, I don’t need to be hasty but I choose to be. Right, let’s take a look into the intricate mind of me. My paranoia ruins all my relationships, including my family and friends, it works me up to the point I get extremely upset to the point I can’t eat or sleep. My paranoia makes me think that if I haven’t spoken to someone in a few days they absolutely hate my guts, it ruins everything for me. Also, my temper has extremely heightened to the point I am constantly ‘nippy’ towards everyone, the smallest things irritate me. If it was possible I would evaporate my paranoia into thin air and get on with my life but when I look back on it I wish I would just grow up, give myself a slap and get on with my life. I am constantly worn out and lacking any enthusiasm in anything. This means my focus on anything, especially school work. Unfortunately I need my grades for a job, college or maybe even university- how good would it be if you didn’t?! It puts your confidence down to know you would need higher A’s to succeed. Oh well, you can only do the best you can? No, not good enough, push the barriers, get the highest grades possible†¦ Yeah right! When I look back on my focus on my grades etc, I actually cannot help it, I wish I could grasp what the teachers tell me but it goes right through me no matter what I try. As many other teenage girl I don’t see, in the mirror, what everyone sees when they look at me. I see a FAT, ugly, scarred girl, looking back at me. To do my make-up in the morning I see a monster gawk back at me. My weight will not change no matter what I do, I cannot change my face, I cannot change my past either; I completely give up now. When people look at me they only see the intimidating yet happy me I ‘want’ them to see†¦ this gives them the impression of no matter what they do I will be as strong as ever, they will never bring me to my knees. I would say I handle this extremely well considering the amount of self criticism I give myself. People can change your attitudes towards almost anything I suppose yes? Correct. One person has influenced my recent attitude adjustments; I cannot sleep anymore, I cannot trust anyone and he makes me extremely short tempered. Now-a-days if anyone just slightly annoys me I have thoughts going through my head of the things I would do to them if possible but luckily enough I manage to keep my temper. I handle my temper better than anything else in my life, I dread to think where I would be if it completely consumed me. I suppose you could say I have never had a proper start in life; I never really saw my parents growing up, I grew up with violence but technically that made me the person I am today; able to defend myself although I just use it to intimidate. Peer pressure also played a part in my growing up†¦ I had no chance growing up as a normal teenager; ‘oh, do this, it’s cool! C’mon, just do it! DO IT, DO IT! ’ In the end you just end up bowing down to peer pressure, then it consumes you with its viscous grip. I wish I had never given into peer pressure, it has supplemented into ruining my life. Of all things that should affect me, death doesn’t. It happens†¦ yes it fills you with great sadness but on the other hand it happens, get over it. It happens to everyone close or near to you. Although I must admit I am lucky enough never to have lost a relative as close such as a parent, sibling, etc. I lost my great aunt Ivory not too long ago but I was at a loss as to why we celebrate the day of someone’s funeral, it just seems wrong. They may possibly be better off dead but people should be looking back in remorse to think they never spent any more time possible with that person†¦ I never spent any more time with my granddad than when my mother took me in. I didn’t understand he was dying but I wish I had requested to pay more time with him. When I think about it all, I handle my life as best as I can, if I lost at least one aspect, maybe my temper, I would be ended, that would appear on my records preventing me from my beloved job I crave. To be honest? I am a cold person who should be messed up more than I already am but who can help anyone? No one because no one can ever fully understand another, it is impossible. I wish I wasn’t so messed up although I wouldn’t trade my life for anyone else’s, because everyone has their flaws.

Friday, November 8, 2019

AQA Computing CPT3 Essay Example

AQA Computing CPT3 Essay Example AQA Computing CPT3 Essay AQA Computing CPT3 Essay This will provide a temporary variable location which holds the representation of the digits, this is stored in form of number User Interfaces This part of section 1 will show a diagram of the petrol pump, with appropriate annotations and notes identifying the features of the petrol pump console, such as the buttons and displays. The Lift Nozzle Start Dispensing button starts the petrol pump timer, this will make the dispensed petrol clock (variable fuelClock) start, incrementing 0.01 each time. It will also allow the customer to pay display (variable totalToPay) to function correctly by calculating the amount the customer has to pay according to the price per litre (variable pricePerLitre) and the dispensed petrol clock (variable fuelClock). This button will also change the pump status from the default status of Pump Is Ready To Use to Pump Is In Use.The Stop Dispensing button will stop the petrol pump timer, this will make the dispensed petrol clock (variable fuelClock) stop, it will also stop the pay display (variable totalToPay) to stop calculating, and provide the final amount of petrol that the customer has to pay for the current transaction, this is calculated according to the price per litre (variable pricePerLitre) and the dispensed petrol clock (variable fuelClock). The button will also change the current pump status of Pump Is In Use to Pump Stopped, Replace Nozzle.The Replace Nozzle button will change the current status of the pump from Pump Stopped, Replace Nozzle to Awaiting Payment, this will allow the cashier to await actual payment for the current transaction so that they are able to press the Reset button on their interface. User Interface (Continued) The Reset Pump button will change the current status of the pump from Awaiting Payment to Pump Is Ready To Use, the petrol pump will also reset the fuel timer / dispensed total (variable fuelClock), the to pay total (variable totalToPay), the pump will add the pay total for the current transaction to the total takings for the day (variable totalTakings), and the pump will add the dispensed total for the current transaction to the dispensed total today display (variable dispensedTotal). A message will also appear in the message box, on the cashiers interface identifying that the petrol pump has been reset (message The Pump Has Been Reset).The Show Daily Report button will change the message box status showing the total takings for the day (variable totalTakings) and the dispensed total today (variable dispensedTotal). After each transaction the Total To Pay is added to the Total Daily Takings variable (calculation totalToPay + totalTakings).The Set Price input box and button in conjunction will update the price of the petrol per litre (variable pricePerLitre), the user will have to input the new price, and then click the Set Price button to change the price, once the price has been changed the status of the Message Box will change to Price Has Been Adjusted. If the new price entered is below 0.01 and above 2.00 an error message will display, such as Price Is Too High, Must Be Below à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5.00. The price per litre displays on the customer and cashier interfaces will change immediately after the price has been adjusted.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Personal Story essays

Personal Story essays I was raised with music, television, and the rapid explosion of information and technology. I am apart of the generation that some my mother calls the first truly multicultural and multimedia generation. I live in a society where I can access technology easily and determine my own potential for success. For the first time in my life, I will experience autonomy and discover new roles in family, work, society, and the Church as I begin college, and journey into my first job, or marriage. I have seen 18 years of life, and those years have been full of life! I have lived the maybe not so typical average white, Caucasian female life. I attended Saint Marys Catholic school, Abe Hubert and then Garden City High School. I like to consider myself just American. I have been so lucky as to have two younger brothers, one which is eleven months younger and the other is fourteen years younger then myself. I also have a little sister, who is a freshman in high school. I, of course am th e oldest in the family. My mom and dad are divorced, but my mother has since remarried, and I love my family the way it is, I would not change it for the world. Choosing a topic is somewhat difficult. My church and family have influenced me greatly. I have chosen to stay a virgin until I am married. When referring to virginity, I mostly use the word itself, but sometimes substitute derivatives of "purity" as a joke. In high school, my friends and I mostly used references to The Big V Club, with people being "in the club" or "out of the club." We also had a Big C Club for (mostly reluctantly) celibate people. These were just descriptive terms; we didn't have club activities or enforce membership or anything. In the beginning, I was not aware that I was a virgin or anything else. When I learned what the word meant, I thought it was risque because it referred to sex. I didn't think of myself as a virgin until it became apparent that people my age ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The molecular mechanisms underlying differential gene expression Essay

The molecular mechanisms underlying differential gene expression control during Animals development - Essay Example The role of proteins in cellular function is crucial because they produce the building blocks for cellular structure and form enzymes that catalyze all of the cell's chemical reactions, and regulate gene expression(Alberts, 2002).The transcription of each gene is controlled by regulatory region of DNA approximately near the site where transcription begins. Regulatory regions in animals are complex and act as tiny microprocessors, responding to different kind of signals that they translate and combine to switch the neighboring gene on or off. These switching consists of two types of fundamental components: 1) Short stretch of DNA of defining sequence and 2) Gene regulatory proteins that recognize and bind to them. Moreover, different collections of gene regulatory proteins are existing in different cell types and thereby direct the patterns of gene expression that produce each cell type its special characteristics. In this essay we will focus on some epigenetic mechanisms that are res ponsible in regulating gene expression in the development of an organism from an undifferential cell, resulting in the successive formation and development of organs and parts that did not pre–exist in the fertilized egg . Firstly, the core histone proteins and linker histones have been described genetically and biochemically as likely repressive to transcriptional initiation. These proteins collect DNA into nucleosomal arrays that in turn compressed into higher-order chromatin structures that can also provide to the repression of transcription initiation and elongation. Each nucleosome core includes more than 146bp of DNA folded in two superhelical turns around an octamer containing two molecules each of the four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4). DNA is forced to the surface of a positively charged ramp made up of the C-terminal histone-fold domains of the core histones. This wrapping of the double helix is stabilized by the N-terminals of the core histone that lie on the outside of the nucleosome DNA. Linker histones bind with the core histones and the linker DNA between nucleosome cores to stabilize the folding of the nucleosomal array into the chromatin fibers. This is an uneven and loosely packed solenoid with approximately six to seven nucleosomes per turn. Each turn includes at least 1000bpDNA. The dynamic properties of higher order structure and nucleosomes are seen in the movement of linker histones between different segments of chromatin and in the mobility of histones octamers between adjacent sequences. Linker histones are not essential for the assembly of higher-order chromatin structures. On the other hand, the elimination of linker histones and the associated increase in mobility of core histone DNA interactions ease transcription. Histones are the target for different types of post-translational modifications that change the structural properties of chromatin. These involve acetylation and phosphorylation of the basic N-terminal tail domains of the core histones and phosphorylation of the basic N-terminal domain of the linker histones. These modifications might be expected to make the interaction of these domains with DNA in the nucleosome less strong than usual. The real physical consequences of acetylating all of the core histone tails within the nucleosome in the absence of other proteins are relatively minor. There is a modest decrease in the wrapping of DNA around the histone octamer and nucleosome pack together less successful in array. Nevertheless, histone acetylation dose

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Holocaust History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Holocaust History - Research Paper Example Holocaust is the term that comes under exercise for several million people incorporating Jews, Gypsies and several others who have come under the systematic, bureaucratic, and state-sponsored persecution or brutal act that is murder or assassination by the Nazis government along with its associates or crime partners for the duration of World War II (Social Studies School Service  & Dyke, 2005). The teachings and learning of racism and racist values have come under practice since generations, thus, resulted in the extensive abhorrence or enmity towards the Jews, which then emerged into the Holocaust. In other words, it was simply a created misapprehension or confusion and not accepting the different due to the lack of awareness that may even initiate from one racist as well. The Holocaust has come under derivation from the Greek language origin that means, â€Å"Sacrifice by fire†. The era of Holocaust began when Hitler came into governance and his period of dictatorship star ted and ended with the defeat of Nazis that calculates to slightly more than ten years (Social Studies School Service  & Dyke, 2005). ... uch as Roma or Gypsies, the disabled people, few people of Slavic community Poles, Russians, homosexuals and many more also came under their assassination due to their alleged racial inferiority. Political, ideological, and behavioral factors were the widespread reasons of justification for their persecution (Social Studies School Service  & Dyke, 2005). The Final Solution was one of the Nazis policies that killed much more than five million European Jews that included men, women and children as they resided in the countries that Nazi took over or conquered during the World War II. These Jews came under the consideration as the principal target of Nazis racism, although they came under vicious killing with a perception of being threat and risk to Germany. Other people that embrace Gypsies and disabled patients came under assassination according to their Euthanasia program (Social Studies School Service  & Dyke, 2005). The hunger of Nazis and his collaborators did not go away as t hey continued their inhuman acts of killing while the dictatorship of Nazis extended across Europe. They murdered and persecuted few millions of Soviet prisoners of war. Moreover, several thousand Polish people came under deportation to Germany, where they came under compelling to live under dreadful conditions like a forced labor. Homosexuals were also the victims of Nazis government who came under maltreatment if their behaviors were not according to the social norms. Political rivals and religious protesters were also in their list of victims who came under either imprisonment or persecution (Social Studies School Service  & Dyke, 2005). The Holocaust left an indelible imprint on to the entire populace of the world, which still when comes under remembrance, people comes under shock and

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ethical hacking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical hacking - Essay Example One learner might make an impression on the other or port-filter the other understudy and both people might record the effects. The learners reacted with a lot of energy. After a week there were assorted types of strike from outside sources and the scholars started to archive these and to track down the sources. Significant devices here were tcpdump and tethereal for information catch. We needed each learner to get mindful of the powerlessness of the framework doled out to her/him, and this happened. One commonsense issue was teaching the scholars to give documentation in such a route, to the point that catch documentation gained was not excessively voluminous and troublesome to review. We were, then again, unable to actualize the sum of our objectives and set three characteristics aside for consequent emphasess of the course: (1) giving mysql and ACID to help people examine the information caught, (2) having Snort sent email cautions in regards to specific sorts of endeavors, and (3 ) firewall setup utilizing iptables. The accomplishment of this methodology urged us to take a gander at applying this engineering to the educating of machine systems (Infs6230). Here we embraced a methodology concentrating on subjects: convention stacks, exemplification of information units, and directing disclosure. We needed our people to have the capacity to distinguish and comprehend information units at each level. Critical apparatuses again here were tcpdump and tethereal for information catch. We picked a dynamic scope of directing revelation, starting with the arp reserve and portion steering table (netstat –rn), and continuing through static steering, and element directing (RIP and OSPF, each one recreated by the Quagga suite), to a Cisco 2610 switch. The last venture of embodiment and directing knowledge was building tunnels utilizing Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE). The construction modeling (please see Figure 3.1. - Xen

Monday, October 28, 2019

Discovering america Essay Example for Free

Discovering america Essay Columbus’ discoveries forced the world to change. Bythe end of the thirty year war, European nations were beginning to impose themselves upon the rest of the inhabited world with tremendous repercussions. And a while few people except experts and some government officials knew of the sources and reasons for the changes, nevertheless from 1942 onwards, the influences of the New World were irrevocably present in world history. â€Å" We cannot reckon how great the damage is, since the merchants are taking every day our native, sons of the land and vassals and our relatives, because the thieves and man of bad conscience grab them wishing to have the things and wares of this kingdom which they are ambitious of. † As stated in document 5, this was a negative effect because their land is being taken and they are losing everything that they own. â€Å"Heretics(protestants) are never said to have converted either pagans or Jews to the faith. † In document 6, they are saying that there has never really been any heretics that they have come across, they have had mostly Catholics. Hardly a handful have converted to being Heretics. â€Å"Before the voyages to Peru, one could keep much wealth in a little place , but now that gold and silver have been cheapened by abundance , great chests are required to transport what before could be carried wrapped in a piece of drugget . † In document 11, it is saying that the people could pretty much keep whatever .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

harry potter and lord of the rings :: essays research papers

The Hero Quest Pattern in Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter The authors of the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter each use the hero quest pattern as a scheduled backdrop of action. The two protagonists, Frodo Baggins and Harry Potter have very similar beginnings. They are introduced as normal boys who find out that they are going to undertake something very great. The two protagonists however, are not alone in their quests. They both have very similar mentors in Gandalf and Dumbledore respectively. Even greater guidance comes from their friends, who are there every step of the way. Each novel uses a reoccurring symbol to show the presence of evil. The two journeys are so epic due in part to the dark and powerful villains that each hero has to battle. The two hero’s Harry Potter and Frodo Baggins are two very ordinary people before discovering what lay in store for them. Harry lived with his aunt and uncle in terrible conditions after his parents were murdered and Frodo lived with his uncle after his parents drowned. Harry learns of his true powers when he is twelve, he someone tells him that he was the one who killed Voldemort "To Harry Potter - the boy who lived"(Rowling). Harry’s parents were murdered but there love for him protected him, and when Voldemort tried to kill him, his spell backfired and nearly killed him. Harry doesn’t find this out until he is twelve years old, old enough to go to wizardry school. In the Lord of the Rings, middle earth can not agree on what to do with the ring. They finally decide to destroy it, but now can not decide who will carry it. Frodo volunteers to carry the ring when all the other races can not agree who will take it. harry potter and lord of the rings :: essays research papers The Hero Quest Pattern in Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter The authors of the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter each use the hero quest pattern as a scheduled backdrop of action. The two protagonists, Frodo Baggins and Harry Potter have very similar beginnings. They are introduced as normal boys who find out that they are going to undertake something very great. The two protagonists however, are not alone in their quests. They both have very similar mentors in Gandalf and Dumbledore respectively. Even greater guidance comes from their friends, who are there every step of the way. Each novel uses a reoccurring symbol to show the presence of evil. The two journeys are so epic due in part to the dark and powerful villains that each hero has to battle. The two hero’s Harry Potter and Frodo Baggins are two very ordinary people before discovering what lay in store for them. Harry lived with his aunt and uncle in terrible conditions after his parents were murdered and Frodo lived with his uncle after his parents drowned. Harry learns of his true powers when he is twelve, he someone tells him that he was the one who killed Voldemort "To Harry Potter - the boy who lived"(Rowling). Harry’s parents were murdered but there love for him protected him, and when Voldemort tried to kill him, his spell backfired and nearly killed him. Harry doesn’t find this out until he is twelve years old, old enough to go to wizardry school. In the Lord of the Rings, middle earth can not agree on what to do with the ring. They finally decide to destroy it, but now can not decide who will carry it. Frodo volunteers to carry the ring when all the other races can not agree who will take it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Life of Cleopatra

One of the well thought-out classic scopes was the life of Cleopatra. She was considered as one of the most famous and influential figures in olden times. Because of the Hollywood film done for her account it was very tough to find which was real and which myth was. Her life was full of scheme and cleverness, and mystery. She was truly a dominant and radiant woman whose places in history, her tools that took her to manage many powerful men in her life and also led her to ultimate demise were her beauty, native allure and appeal.A lover, warrior, mother, enthusiast of all that brought splendor, queen of Nile, and were the account associated to her, but the certain thing was that she was last Pharaoh of Egypt. The life of Cleopatra was influenced the mythological ideas of the most writers as well as Shakespeare. Through her life the substitute ability to Catholic academic doctrine was recognized. As the matter of fact the influence of outside literature and arts were commanding in Rome up to now. And by her impressive history, many writer was trying to dig deeper the reality of her life.And this was the beginning of her epic life. Cleopatra VII Philopator or Cleopatra the destined queen was born in Alexandra the former capital of Egypt 69 years before the birth of Christ. A beautiful baby was the eldest child of Cleopatra VI Tryphaina and Ptolemy XII Auletes Theos Philopator Philadelphos Neo Dionysos also known as Ptolemy XII the reigning pharaoh of that time. At the very young age of nine, Ptolemy her father was allegedly a son of a non-married couple, her father was trying to overcome the trial for his fading supremacy by bribing authoritative Romans.Cleopatra VI was died when they returned to Egypt. Through Roman forces the throne was regained by his father. At 51 BC her 9 years old brother Ptolemy XIII was married to her at the age 18, with the same age together with her brother and husband she became the queen of Egypt by inheriting the ruler ship of her fat her. In the beginning of Cleopatra’s reign all was not so easy due to the fact of her age, many groups were too envious of her cleverness and for ruling the entire Egypt unaided and she had to compete with her enemies, and these were the reasons why she struggled completely.The Romans were conquering city after city, until the ministers pressed Cleopatra out of her command after ruling the Egypt for three years. She moved out of Egypt and lived in Syria and left the throne to her brother alone that she thought agreed with the situation. Because of the circumstances she was too infuriated but didn’t give up. When she learned that Julius Caesar was in Alexandria, Cleopatra planned to go back to her native land in secret to escape from the hand of her brother.To get coalition against her brother Ptolemy XIII and to defend her mother landed from fraud, as what the most accounts told that Cleopatra offered her virgin body and surrendered it in the form of rug, she covered u p herself in an oriental rug and presented it to the general who almost four times of her age . And she got the attention of the Romans general, Julius Caesar fall in love at the first sight to her when the rugs unfold. Her charisma and allure beauty surpassed the influence of Caesar. Ptolemy XIII affirmed warfare against Caesar and his Roman soldiers since he believed that he was deceived.Caesar took controlled of the throne of Alexandria when he defeated Ptolemy XIII in the war. After the battle Caesar due to his loved to Cleopatra he gave back the power to Cleopatra to rule the Egypt alongside with her brother Ptolemy XIV as co-leader. In June 47 BC Cleopatra bore a child and to emphasize that her son was from Caesar she named him Ptolemy XV Caesarion, but Caesar never properly acknowledged fatherhood. In 46 BC General Julius Caesar returned to Rome he brought Cleopatra and his son showing as a prisoner of war because he was already married with Calpurnia.But Cleopatra fought for her privilege; she asserted to be the wife of Caesar that brought him to assassination in 44 BC. After Caesar murdered Cleopatra go back to Egypt, she recognized her son Ptolemy XV Caesarion as her co-monarch regardless of the rumor that she perhaps killed her brother Ptolemy XIV. Rome Empire began to divide upon the death of Julius Caesar, and because of Caesar assassination Cleopatra’s throne was in danger; she collaborated with Marc Antony the subsequently Roman forces governor of the area, an old companion of Caesar.She proved to Marc dramatically and convinced him that she was not guilty about the allegation to her regarding her support to the followers of Julius in Rome, apparently, she got the hold up and captured his interest. Marc left Cleopatra with twin in her womb after he spent the whole winter in Alexandria with her. In the meantime he went to his first wife Fulvia who died in 40 BC. In 37 BC Marc went back to Antioch with Cleopatra and undergone a matrimony of marriage in 36 BC. With the same year a baby boy named Ptolemy Philadelphus was born to them.After they knew that Ptolemy XV was lost controlled his territory including Lebanon which is formerly part of Cyprus, officially Marc renovate to Egypt. After the military victory in 34 BC he tied Cleopatra in Alexandria and recognized Caesarion as the son of Julius Caesar and affirmed the joint rulership of Cleopatra and her son. When the Romans threatened specially Octavian formerly ally of Antony, conceding of country by Marc to Cleopatra was used by Octavian to destroy the trust of the ministers to him.Because of this, the Romans were not happy to their relationship because they considered that the loyalty of Marc was not in the Rome Empire anymore since he gave away the power of ruling Egypt to Cleopatra. In 31 BC Marc Antony lost to Octavian in Battle of Actium because of the misstep pointing to Cleopatra. Cleopatra tried to persuade Octavian to support her offspring to progression of authority but she was unsuccessful to make a deal. Unfortunately, luck was twisted against them. After the defeat of Marc Antony to Octavian and lost all his support he committed suicide and die in the arm of his beautiful wife Cleopatra.Since all of the Roman forces go against Cleopatra she decided to cut off her life by poisoning herself with the use of snake and died in admiration and was the very last Pharaoh of EgyptBIBLIOGRAPHYAnalysis of Four Character of Shakespeare http://www. free-essays. us/dbase/d3/lva130. shtmlAncient Egyptian Pharaohs: http://www. 123helpme. com/view. asp? id=23405Biography and history of Cleopatra http://en. oboulo. com/biography-and-history-of-cleopatra-44856. htmlBiography of Cleopatra http://www. chevroncars. com/learn/famous-people/cleopatraChronology of Cleopatra’s Life http://atrium-media. com/bibliotheca/romanhistory/cleopatrahist. htmlCleopatra – Queen Of Egypt: http://www. 123helpme. com/view. asp? id=58913Cleopatra, Ruler of E gypt http://www. infoplease. com/biography/var/cleopatra. htmlCleopatra’s Wiles http://www. azete. com/preview/58914Greco-Roman Influence in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra http://www. 123HelpMe. com/view. asp? id=16285Isabelle Vignier. The Tragic in Antony and Cleopatra, June 2004 http://www. literature-study-online. com/essays/antony-cleopatra. htmlShakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra http://www. uk/english-essays/shakespeare-anthony-cleopatra. phpThe Female Pharaoh Cleopatra – History Essay http://www. freeonlineresearchpapers. com/female-pharaoh-cleopatraThe Love Story of Antony and Cleopatra http://www. azete. com/preview/8726The Masks of Anthony and Cleopatra http://www. thefreelibrary. com/The+Masks+of+Anthony+and+Cleopatra-a0161065564The Story of Cleopatra in Ancient Egypt http://www. echeat. com/essay. php? t=30239What are some conflicts and compromises in Cleopatra's life time? http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20071227 084535AAGJBCP